While I was huffing and puffing on the way up to the Philippine Army HQ during my training at Mckinley last week, coach kept on saying,
“Think happy thoughts…inhale, exhale, happy thoughts lang. Humps lang sa atin yan…” A cacophony of images ran through my head. It was difficult to point on just one happy thought when you’re breathing hard and propelling harder. I had to focus on the uphill attack – fast and furious!
And then I have to think happy thoughts???!!! How can two extreme emotions be happening at the same time? I know it happens in another set of exercise which is equivalent to one flight of stairs
but while running???!!! With pain and a happy thought mixed together, all I could think of is a burst of energy – then, I guess, it really works.
So, this time I went through my desktop and captured every “happy” image I could browse through. I have more but this will do for another week of training…
Happy thoughts always help out training :P Negative thoughts will always bog you down, although I know some runners who use this as motivation, like a chip-on-their-shoulder kinda thing.
Cheers to that! Let's all think happy thoughts! See you at the races.