I had a feeling I would be the only runner on the road that day because it was still a bit chilly and foggy at 6am and I bet everyone was still in dreamland, kissing frogs. Speaking of frogs, I met a couple of them on the road. Some were already flat out on their backs like drunken fools and some had the misfortune of being run over by a vehicle. On my second loop up, a small, green and orange, thin frog tried to hop away when I passed by. Thanks for the company guys, at least there was something to keep my mind off a bit. I kept thinking where the bikers were. Usually, there's already a pack of them going uphill during that time and it was already late - 630 am. There was just the usual folks on pedicabs with their wares, some locals in motorcycles on their way to work (oops, dead frog with huge stomach), and a few kids scavenging on a pile of waste near the other end of my loop (yes dearies, I'm owning it).
On my last loop, I continued to a jog on the way down to the market to buy something to eat. I bought 3 pcs of tomatoes, 1 saba, 2 pharmaton capsules and 1 watermelon which was staring at me with a huge Buy Me tag on it. I was planning to walk all the way back to the village to cool down and didn't realize how heavy the watermelon was when the weight was unbearable at 50 meters. So, imagine me lifting the watermelon on the other hand, eating the saba on the other and walking back to a whole 1.3km stretch back to the house. Stupid me had to think of carrying it in front as if I'm carrying a baby. Then, putting it on my shoulder, then carrying it by the sides again. Repeat. All the way home...
When at last, I got home and devoured rice, veggies, and spam and of course, slices of the watermelon. On my second slice, I was telling yaya Vi how I took the watermelon home by walking for 1.3kms after a 10k run. All she had to say, "in the province, we had to carry what we bought from the market, carrying 2 baskets for 2kms and going uphill for another 2kms to the nearest tricycle ride." Aaahh...I'm not worthy!..